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Anders Automotive • March 5, 2019

Conventional Motor Oil Vs. Synthetic Oil

Choosing the best oil for your vehicle demands research and the ability to plan ahead.

With so many options entering the automotive industry, it’s become important to focus on the details while making sure an intelligent decision is made as soon as it’s required.

Here is a look at a comparison between conventional motor oil and synthetic oil.

What is Conventional Motor Oil?

Conventional motor oil is a basic refined oil, which is used to regulate performance and manage an engine’s quality. It can be found in various forms but often doesn’t have the same baseline of additives compared to synthetic blends.

Benefits of Conventional Motor Oil

1)  Price-Efficient

There is only one benefit associated with conventional motor oil and that has to do with price-efficiency. In general, this is a basic refined oil, which means it doesn’t have the level of advancement as noticed in synthetic blends. As a result, it is easier for providers to price conventional motor oil at a lower price in comparison to its competitors.

What is Synthetic Oil?

Synthetic oil is an all-encompassing refined oil, which uses the power of modern technology to help infuse additives into the mix. These additives are included for a multitude of reasons based on advancements in scientific processes. The oils are tested to see how they respond once racing through the vehicle’s system. The level of refinement with synthetic oil is much larger than conventional motor oil.
person checking car oil level

Benefits of Synthetic Oil

1) Improved Fuel Economy

There are many benefits associated with synthetic oil but one of them has to do with improving fuel economy. No one wants a situation where the fuel economy starts to ruin their vehicle and wallet at the same time. This is where high-grade synthetic oil can make a tangible difference. It’s one of the best options for those looking to optimize their fuel consumption by improving how well the engine runs. Good synthetic oil is able to offer this type of value as soon as it is put to use.

2) Reduced Emissions

Emissions have always been an issue in modern society and a lot of work has been done to make sure that is not the case. One of the changes seen in the industry has to do with synthetic oil and how it interacts with the vehicle. It is able to reduce the emissions significantly and this has to do with the additives in its formulation.

The additives ensure the oil is able to help the engine at all times.

3) All-Weather Protection

In many places around the world, the weather conditions tend to fluctuate and that means it’s important to use the right type of oil. Synthetic oil responds well to these changes and can keep the engine running in prime condition even as the weather changes from month to month. This alone is useful in colder climates where snow is a real problem.

4) Longer Intervals for Oil Changes

Oil changes can be expensive and synthetic oil is renowned for elongating the period between changes. This keeps things simple and ensures a person doesn’t have to keep spending money on oil changes all the time. Instead, you are able to see improved value in how well the vehicle performs and it’s going to remain consistent at the same time.

Final Thoughts

You are easily able to rotate between oil types if that’s what you are looking to do. However, synthetic oils are well-established as a new and improved option due to how refined they are compared to conventional alternatives. For anyone looking to make sure their vehicle is in good shape, it’s best to start with the help of high-quality synthetic oil.

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